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Current pediatrics 0.2.1
The journal "Current Pediatrics"("VoprosySovremennoi Pediatrii") highlights the most pressingissues bothscientific and applied, such as social pediatrics,clinicaldiagnostics of child diseases, prevention andrehabilitation,nutrition of healthy and sick child. The journalreflects thecurrent state of pediatric science and healthorganizations inRussia. It publishes articles presented by leadingRussianspecialists - pediatricians, hygienists, nutritionists,allergistsand others. A reader can also find the officialinformation of theUnion of pediatricians of Russia. In the courseof the years a foldof likeminded people has been formed whichunited variousspecialists of all the branches of pediatrics on thewholeterritory of Russia and in the CIS.The journal introduces the research of national andforeignscientific schools, with clinical guidelines, the resultsofclinical trials, their legal and ethical aspects. Moreover,itcovers articles on the history of science, proceedingsofcongresses, seminars, conferences which took place both inRussiaand abroad.The journal is included in the list of State CommissionforAcademic Degrees and Titles.Abstracted/ Indexed in VINITI RAN Referativnyi Zhurnal348162;Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory.ISSN: 1682-5527 (Print)ISSN: 1682-5535 (Online)
The Clinician 0.2.2
"ABV -Press"Klinitsist ("The Clinician") - quarterly color scientificandpractical peer-reviewed journal. Founded in 2005.The journal is included into the publications listing ofStateCommission for Academic Degrees and Titles (list ofleadingpeer-reviewed journals in which major scientific results ofthesesfor degrees of PhD and Doctor of Science are published).The Editor-in-Chief is Professor, Honored Doctor of theRussianFederation, Head of Academician A.I. Nesterov DepartmentofIntermediate Level Therapy of the State BudgetEducationalInstitution for Higher Vocational Education N.I. PirogovRussianNational Research Medical University of the Ministry ofHealth ofRussia. Member of editorial boards of journals called"GeneralMedicine", "Research and Practical Rheumatology","RationalPharmacotherapy in Cardiology" (Russia, Moscow).ISSN: 1818-8338 (Print)ISSN: 2412-8775 (Online)
Russian Law Journal 0.2.1
Publisher: Academic Initiatives Foundation.Russian Law Journal (RJL) is an independent, professionaljournalthat covers recent legal developments not only in theRussianFederation, but also on international and comparativelevel. RLJmagazine is one of the first English-language legalacademiceditions regularly published in Russia.The RLJ encourages comparative research by those whoareinterested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interestinall matters relating to international public and private law,civiland criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theoryandhistory of law, and the relationships between law and cultureandother disciplines. A special emphasis is placedoninterdisciplinary legal research.The RLJ is not sponsored or affiliated with any university, itisan independent All-Russian interuniversity platform,initiatedprivately without any support from the governmentauthorities.It is published in English and appears four times per year.Allarticles are subject to professional editing by nativeEnglishspeaking legal scholars.
Neurology, Neuropsychiatry 0.2.1
Publisher "IMA-PRESS" LLCSince 2009 the “Nevrologiya, Neiropsikhiatriya, Psikhosomatika"(Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Psychosomatics) journal publishestimely articles, balancing both clinical and experimental research,case reports, reviews and lectures on pressing problems ofneurology. The Journal is aimed to provide a forum to discussetiology and pathogenesis, clinical features, modern diagnostic andtreatment approaches to neurology, psychiatrics and itscomplications, as well as associated conditions.Among editorial board members of the journal there are 24Russian and foreign doctors of medical sciences and 3 candidates ofmedical sciences.Federal Supervision Agency for Information Technologies andCommunications registration ПИ № ФС77-35419 from 20.02.2009.ISSN: 2074-2711 (Print)ISSN: 2310-1342 (Online)
The Neurological Journal 0.2.1
The focus of the journal is toprovideneurologists and allied health professionals withup-to-dateinformation on diagnosis and treatment of neurologicaldisorders.The journal "The Neurological Journal" covers relevant topicsinpractical neurology, including the fields of pediatricandgeriatric neurology. Among the topics areneurologicalcomplications of systemic diseases, neuropsychiatricborderlinestates, instrumental and laboratory diagnostictechniques, andorganization of neurological care.The journal publishes original articles, lectures,literaturereviews, clinical analyses of diagnostically difficultcases,abstracts of important publications from other journals,andreviews of monographs.The journal "The Neurological Journal" also providesinformationon upcoming and past congresses, conferences, andsymposia held inRussia and the rest of the world.
Rus Journal of Child Neurology 0.2.2
“ABV-press” publishing houseRussian Journal of Child Neurology is a quarterly scientificandpractical peer-reviewed journal.Official issue of the St. Luka Institute of Child NeurologyandEpilepsy.Issued in Russian 4 times a year.IF RSCI = 0,127You will find information about state-of-art methodsofdiagnostics (video electroencephalographicmonitoring,neuroimaging) and treatment of a wide range of diseasesof thenervous system of children (including modern achievementsinepileptology), materials on the methods ofclassification,nosologic specificity of different forms of epilepsythat describetherapeutic approaches (antiepileptic therapy, reviewofreferences, and proprietary experience with the latestgenerationof anti-epileptic drugs, as well as pre-surgerydiagnostics andsurgical treatment of epilepsy) in the journal.As opposite to the traditional approach aimed at multiplereviewof global neurology issues, Russian Journal of ChildNeurology paysmuch attention to description of rare and atypicalneurologicaldiseases because exact analysis of symptoms of raresyndromesallows viewing seemingly usual neurological disorders atadifferent angle, critically review usual approaches todiagnosticsand treatment, and go deeper in understandingneurology.Both Russian neurologists and international scientists takepartin working over the journal. This allows describing modernproblemsand achievements in the field of child neurology in thefullestextent.Target Audience: neurologists,epileptologists,neurophysiologists, neurosurgeons, doctors offunctionaldiagnostics (specializing in methods ofelectroencephalography,video electroencephalographic monitoring,polysomnography, etc.),experts in neuroimaging (magnetic resonanceimaging, computedtomography, etc.), in pre-surgery diagnostics andsurgicaltreatment of epilepsy, psychiatrists, pediatricians,generalpractitioners, specialists in the history of medicine.ISSN: 2073-8803 (Print)ISSN: 2412-9178 (Online)
Oncohematology 0.2.2
"PH "ABV-Press"", LLC“Oncohematology” - academic and research peer-reviewedquarterlycolor journal. Founded in 2005Since 2007 it was included into the List of theleadingscientific journals and publications defined by theHigherAttestation Commission (HAC).Chief editor: Honored Doctor of Russia, Professor of theFacultyof Children’s Hematology and Oncology of SBEI HPE “RussianResearchMedical University named after N.I. Pirogov” at theMinistry ofHealth of Russia – Samochatova Elena Vladimirovna”Target audience: hematologists,oncohematologists,chemotherapists, surgeons, experts of the largepharmaceuticalcompanies.Content: original opinion articles, scientific reviews,lecturesof the leading national and international specialistsreferred tonew modern methods of blood diseases diagnostics andtreatment. Theissue reflects an up-to-date level of research in thefield ofoncohematology.Frequency: 4 issues per year.Format: А4.Volume: 60-90 pages.Circulation: 3 thousand copiesDisrtibution: addressed in the territory of the RussianFederationand CIS countries.Index of subscription: in the “Press of Russia” catalogue–42167.Information about types of advertising in the printedpublicationscan be found in "Advertising in printed publications "section.Medical specialists can subscribe to the journal for free.Youshall register in the publisher site “ABV-press”, fill intheaddress information in the "personal account" and noted inthe"subscription" edition, which you want to receive.Medical specialists can subscribe to the journal for free.Youshall register in the site of the “ABV-press” publishinghouse,fill the address information in the "account" and markthepublications which you would like to receive in the"subscription"section.ISSN: 1818-8346 (Print)ISSN: 2413-4023 (Online)
Med Her of the South of Russia 0.2.2
Rostov State Medical UniversityScientific and practical peer-reviewed journalThe journal "Medical Herald of the South of Russia"(“Meditsinskiyvestnik Yuga Rossii”) is made for physicians,scientists, teachersof high medical institutions, research workersin different fieldsof medicine.Objective of the journal:— to cooperate the results of scientific works with richclinicalexperience of physicians in different branches ofmedicine;— to provide practical physicians with urgent andqualitativescientific information.The journal accepts articles in all medical specialtiesandbranches. Reviews, original scientific researches, and alsoshortreports are published on the pages of the journal.The compulsory condition of materials’ publications istheircorrespondence to the requirements of evident-based medicine.Allthe materials are reviewed and discussed by editorial board.Thearticles’ reviewing is anonymous.The journal "Medical Herald of the South ofRussia"(“Meditsinskiy vestnik Yuga Rossii”) entered the listofpeer-reviewed scientific journals and publications where thebasicscientific results of dissertations for the degree mustbepublished.ISSN: 2219-8075 (Print)
Islam in the modern world 0.2.2
"Publishing House "Medina"Peer-reviewed academic journal Islam in the modern worldispublished since 2005. Published quarterly.The journal is in the list of leading peer-reviewedscientificjournals and publications, formed by the HigherAttestationCommission of the Ministry of Education and Science ofthe RussianFederation and put in force on 1 December 2015, wheremajorscientific results of dissertations for academic degrees ofDoctorand Candidate of Sciences are to be published in the fieldsofsciences according to the Nomenclature of AcademicSpecializationsthat grant academic degrees:07.00.00 Historical Sciences and Archaeology,23.00.00 Political Sciences,26.00.01 Theology.Islam in the modern world promotes an academic andcriticalexamination of the history and contemporaryphilosophical,political, social and cultural aspects of Muslimsocieties. Islamin the modern world actively engages theoreticaland empiricalstudies and by so doing promotes a criticalunderstanding of thecomplex nature of ideas, values, socialconfigurations and materialrealities of events associated with thedevelopment of Islam andMuslim societies. Islam in the modern worldprovides a forum forthe interdisciplinary examination of diverseissues based on solidresearch and critical readings of developmentsin the modernworld.Islam in the modern world is subject to a peerreviewprocess.Islam in the modern world in: Ulrichsweb, East View, index 94107 in the Integrated catalog PressofRussia and in the electronic catalog Russian Periodical Pressinthe Internet ( network.
 1000 copies.Islam in the modern world is registered by 
 the FederalServicefor Supervision in the Sphere 
 of Telecom,InformationTechnologies 
 and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor). 
PIcertificate number FS 77- 65168 on 28.03.2016.ISSN: 2074-1529 (Print)
Neuromuscular Diseases 0.2.2
"ABV-press" publishing house", LLCinformation about modern methods of diagnosis and treatmentofneuromuscular diseases as well as other actual issues ofneurology.Lectures, reviews, discussion articles, outcomes oforiginalstudies, practical cases, and recommendations for the useof modernalgorithms of diagnostics and treatment, experience ofapplicationof drugs, report of significant events in the fieldofneuromuscular diseases and general neurology as well ashistorypages.ISSN: 2222-8721 (Print)ISSN: 2413-0443 (Online)
Head and neck tumors (HNT) 0.2.2
"ABV-press" publishing house“Head and neck tumors” - a quarterly colorpracticalpeer-reviewed journal, which is published since 2010.The journal is the official publication of the Russian societyofhead and neck tumors specialists.Editor in Chief: Professor of the Department of Oncology oftheRussian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, MinistryofHealthcare of the Russian Federation,,ProfessorSergey O. PodvyaznikovTarget audience: oncologists, chemotherapists,radiationoncologists, neurosurgeons, otolaryngologists,maxillofacialsurgeons, endocrinologists and ophthalmologists, aswell as theresearchers of fundamental areas of oncology,specialists of bigpharmaceutical companies and innovativetechnologies inmedicine.Contents:researches, reviews, lectures, discussion papersandclinical examples, reports on activities in the field of headandneck tumors.Members of the editorial board and the authors of the journal-leading russian and foreign experts on the diagnosis andtreatmentof head and neck tumors.ISSN: 2222-1468 (Print)ISSN: 2411-4634 (Online)
Women Reproductive Sys. Tumors 0.2.2
"ABV-press" publishing houseScientific and practical reviewed journal«Women Reproductive System Tumors» – academic andresearchpeer-reviewed quarterly color journal. Founded in 2005.The Journal makes part of the list of StateAttestationCommission’s list of issues. (list of the toppeer-reviewedjournals, publishing main research results ofdissertations for thedegrees of Ph.D. and Dr.Sci.).Editor-in-chief of “Breast Care” section:Letyagin, Victor P. – Honoured Scientist of theRussianFederation, Dr.Sci.Med., Professor, Chief Research officerofMammary Tumors Surgery Department In FSBI “N. N. BlokhinCancerResearch Center, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences ”,Moscow.Editor-in-chief of “Gynecology” section:Sidorenko, Yuri S. – Honoured Scientist of theRussianFederation, Honoured Inventor of Russia, Laureate of StatePrize ofthe Russian Federation, Academician of Russian Academy ofMedicalScience and Russian Academy of Science, Dr.Sci.Med.,Professor,Chairman of Oncology Department In FSBI «Rostov OncologyResearchInstitute» of the Ministry of Health of Russia.Target audience: oncologists,gynecologists,obstetrician-gynecologists, specialists of X-raydiagnostics,pathologists, breast cancer specialists,chemotherapists,specialists in radiotherapy, surgeons, specialistsof majorpharmaceutical companies.Content: information on modern methods of prevention,diagnosticsand treatment of breast cancer and women genital organscancer:lectures, reviews, discussion articles, results of originalresearchand case studies of successful use of modern treatmenttechnologiesand drugs, comments of the leading Russian andinternationalprofessionals, reports on big events in the field ofbreast care andgynecology.ISSN: 1994-4098 (Print)ISSN: 1999-8627 (Online)
Archive of internal medicine 0.5.0
Publisher: “SINAPS” LLCJournal «Archive of internal medicine» published since 2011yearand oriented primary to general practitioners and also todoctorsof other specialties. Aim of journal – to informsspecialists inmedicine about last achievements in fields ofdiagnosis, treatmentand prevention of internal diseases. Thisjournal publishesoriginal articles, reviews, lectures and clinicalcases.Journal «Archive of internal medicine» is registered byTheministry of the Russian Federation for the press, TV andradiobroadcasting and means of mass communications (certificateonregistration of mass media ПИ № ФС77-45961, 26 July 2011).Thejournal is published 6 times a year, circulation 3000exemplars.The printing version extends in the territory of theRussianFederation on a subscription. Subscription index in thecatalog"Rospechat" 87732.The journal «Archive of internal medicine» is included theListof the Russian reviewed scientific magazines in which themainscientific results of theses on competition of academic degreesofthe doctor and candidate of science have to be published.ISSN 2226-6704 (Print)ISSN 2411-6564 (Online)
Publisher: Belarusian NationalTechnicalUniversityInternational scientific and technical journal.“Energetika. Proceedings of CIS higher education institutionsandpower engineering associations” has been issued since 1958.It is a scientific and technical journal in the field ofpowerengineering, electrical power engineering, heat powerengineering,power engineering construction, environmental issues inpowerengineering, economics in power engineering. The journaltargets todisseminate information about the latest investigations,designs,developments of researchers. It also aims to promotenewcompetences and publish the latest scientific achievements.TARGET AUDIENCE: researchers of power engineeringenterprises,personnel of scientific-research and designinstitute,higher-education teaching personnel, post-graduateandunder-graduate students.
Devices and Methods of Measur. 0.2.1
Publisher: Belarusian NationalTechnicalUniversityScientific and Engineering Journal "Devices and MethodsofMeasurements"In accordance with the resolution of the SupremeGradingCommittee of the Republic of Belarus on July 8, 2011 №13/1theJournal is enregistered in the science-list of bulletinsforpublication of results of dissertation researchers;scientifictheme: "instruments and methods of measurements,control,diagnostics and evaluation of quality of objects andprocesses"(scientific fields – engineering, physics andmathematics),specialities: 05.11.00 – Instrumentation Engineering,Metrology,Information and Measuring Devices and Systems (scientificfields –engineering, physics and mathematics), 05.02.11 – MethodsofControl and Diagnostics in Machinery, 05.02.23 –Standardizationand Management of Products Quality (scientific field–engineering)ISSN: 2220-9506 (Print)ISSN: 2414-0473 (Online)
Litiyo i Metallurgiya 0.2.1
Publisher: Belarusian NationalTechnicalUniversityThe quarterly scientific production journal «Foundryproductionand metallurgy» is published since January 1997, isissued inRussian with the summary in English. This is the unique,publishedon territory of the Republic of Belarus, professionaljournal forscientists and manufacturers working in the field offoundry andmetallurgical productions. The journal is publishingpapers devotedto structural and phase changes duringsolidification, heattreatment, processing of ferrous andnon-ferrous metals and alloys.Attention is paid to mathematicalsimulation of technologicalprocesses as well as to exchange ofindustrial experience.For 17 years of the successful publishing activity thejournalwas included into the list recognized by VAK of the RepublicofBelarus.Journal is distributed throughout Belarus, Russia, theUkraine,Kazakhstan, Baltic States, Czech Republic, Slovakia,Poland,Germany, Austria, France, etc.The journal publishes calendars of regional, nationalandinternational symposia, conferences and congresses on thesubject,program and time of retraining courses.For publication in the journal domestic and foreignscientistsand specialists working in the field of foundry andmetallurgy, aswell as scientists and specialists of relatedprofessions areinvited.
Pediatric pharmacology 0.2.1
The journal «PediatricheskayaFarmakologiya»(«Pediatric Pharmacology») was founded in 2003 underthe auspicesof the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. Editor inchief -professor Namazova-Baranova L.S.In the journal “Pediatric Pharmacology” one mayfindevidence-based clinical guidelines, and information upon drugsandvaccines used in children. You may also obtain detailedinformationabout the effects of drugs on the fetus,pharmaco-economic researchcarried out in Russia. In this journal wealso refer to suchunsolved problems of pediatric pharmacology asclinical studies andtheir legal and ethical aspects. Besides,authors, members of theEditorial Board and readers – all have theopportunity to discusspublished materials, as well as to offertheir own topics fordiscussion by presenting results of theirstudies that do notconform to generally accepted data. The journalis aimed atclinical pediatricians specializing in various areas, aswell asfor health care organizers, managers of health institutionsat alllevels – professionals who take real decisions that determinetherange of medications and their purchase volume.The journal is included in the list of State CommissionforAcademic Degrees and Titles.Abstracted/ Indexed in VINITI RAN Referativnyi Zhurnal348162;Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory, RISC.ISSN: 1727-5776 (Print)
Pharmacy & Pharmacology 0.5.0
Pyatigorsk Medical and PharmaceuticalInstitute- branch of Volgograd State Medical University of theMinistry ofHealth of the Russian Federation«Pharmacy & Pharmacology» («Farmatsiya ifarmakologiya»)peer-reviewed scientific Journal is meant forscintifical andeducational pharmaceutical and medicalestablishments,pharmaceutical enterprises, research organizations.The Journalpublishes of the results of theoretical and experimentalstudies inall pharmacy branches. Scientific concept of the Journalexpectsthe publication of contemporary national andinternationalachievements in the investigation of plant rawmaterials, naturaland synthetic biologically active substances,pharmaceutical andtoxicological analysis, technologies andstandardization of dosageforms, including biotechnological objects,safety, stability, andpurity of medicinal drugs, biologicalavailability, actionmechanisms, pre-clinical and clinical runs,organizational andeconomical, manufactory and educational activityin pharmacy. TheJournal also covers the achievements of schools ofthoughts,lectures, reviews, referee reports, discussions, historyofestablishment and development of different branches of pharmacyandpharmacology.ISSN 2307-9266 (Print)ISSN 2413-2241 (Online)
Oncological Coloproctology 0.2.2
“ABV-press” publishing houseScientific and practical reviewed journalScientific directions of the journal arestate-of-artopportunities in diagnostics of colorectal cancer.screening andprevention of colon cancer, surgical treatment aspectsof colon andcolorectal cancer, variants of combined and complextreatment,variants of chemotherapy of colorectal cancer.Issues of pathomorphology, endoscopy, interestingclinicalobservations.The journal displays the state-of-art concept of high-techcarefor patients with colon cancer, as well as minimallyinvasive,laparoscopic procedures.Reports and announcements of scientific forums in the fieldofoncological coloproctology are published.The journal is included into the publications listing ofStateCommission for Academic Degrees and Titles (list ofleadingpeer-reviewed journals in which major scientific results ofthesesfor degrees of PhD and Doctor of Science are published).ISSN: 2220-3478 (Print)ISSN: 2413-0583 (Online)
NASB. Series of Humanities 0.5.0
The Republican Unitary EnterprisePublishingHouse "Belaruskaya Navuka"The scientific journal Proceedings of the National AcademyofSciences of Belarus. Series of Humanities is registered on May18,2009 by the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarusinthe State Registry of Mass Media, reg. No. 394. Periodicity is4issues per annum. The area of distribution is The RepublicofBelarus and foreign countries (by subscription andbyretail).The Journal presents the results of research, carried out byTheNational Academy of Sciences and other Belarusian andforeignscientific institutions or universities in the area ofphilosophy,social science, history, linguistics, art criticism,ethnography,folklore, literature studies, jurisprudence, andeconomics.In the column "Scientists of Belarus", the Journalpublishesanniversary articles about the famous scientists andacquaintsreaders with their biography and works. The Journalpublishesarticles in Russian, Belarusian, and Englishlanguages.The Journal is included in The List of Journals for Publicationofthe Results of Dissertation Research in the Republic of Belarusandin the database of Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).One can find contents of the Journal’s issues, as well asabstractsof published articles, at the websites of thepublisher( and of the NAS ofBelarus( of pages: 128.The Journal is included in the Subscription Catalogue oftheRepublic of Belarus: the subscription indices are 74841(forindividuals) and 748412 (for institutions).ISSN 0321-1649 (Print)
NASB. Series of Bio Sciences 0.5.0
The Republican Unitary EnterprisePublishingHouse "Belaruskaya Navuka"The scientific journal Proceedings of the National AcademyofSciences of Belarus. Series of Biological Sciences is registeredonMay 18, 2009 by the Ministry of Information of the RepublicofBelarus in the State Registry of Mass Media, reg. No.395.Periodicity is 4 issues per annum. The area of distribution isTheRepublic of Belarus and foreign countries (by subscription andbyretail).The journal publishes the results of original research ingeneralbiology; ecology; botany and zoology; hydrobiology;biologicalfundamentals of harmonious exploitation, transformation,andconservation of flora and fauna; radiobiology;biochemistry;biophysics; microbiology and biotechnologies; geneticsandcytology, as well as analytical reviews about scientificandtechnological achievements in listed areas of research. ArticlesinRussian, Belarusian, and English languages are allowedforpublication. The Journal targets at researchers, facultystaff,Ph.D. and Master’s students. The Journal is included in TheList ofJournals for Publication of the Results of DissertationResearch inthe Republic of Belarus and in the database of RussianScienceCitation Index (RSCI). One can find contents of theJournal’sissues, as well as abstracts of published articles, at thewebsitesof the publisher ( and of the NAS ofBelarus( of pages: 128.The Journal is listed in the Subscription Catalogue of theRepublicof Belarus; the subscription indices are 74840 (forindividuals)and 748402 (for institutions).The editorial board consists of 17 specialists including8Academicians and 8 Corresponding Members of the NASofBelarus.ISSN 0002-3558 (Print)
Informatics 0.5.0
The United Institute of Informatics Problemsofthe National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (UIIP NASB)The "Informatics" publishes the results of scientific researchinthe field of image processing, signal and speechprocessing,information protection, computer aided design,operations research,logistics, supercomputer systems and parallelcomputing.The "Informatics" is included in the list of scientificpublicationspublishing the results of thesis research of theHigher AttestationCommission of the Republic of Belarus.Periodicity – 4 issues anyear. The area of distribution –Belarus.ISSN 1816-0301 (Print)